class Std

Available on all platforms

The Std class provides standard methods for manipulating basic types.

Class Fields

static function is(v:Dynamic, t:Dynamic):Bool

Tells if a value v is of the type t. Returns false if v or t are null.

static function string(s:Dynamic):String

Converts any value to a String.

If s is of String, Int, Float or Bool, its value is returned.

If s is an instance of a class and that class or one of its parent classes has a toString method, that method is called. If no such method is present, the result is unspecified.

If s is an enum constructor without argument, the constructor's name is returned. If arguments exists, the constructor's name followed by the String representations of the arguments is returned.

If s is a structure, the field names along with their values are returned. The field order and the operator separating field names and values are unspecified.

If s is null, "null" is returned.